
Accreditation affirms the quality of higher education institutions. Accrediting organizations regularly examine colleges and universities in light of established standards for the purposes of quality assurance and quality improvement. You can be confident in your choice to attend an accredited college!

Higher Learning Commission
Emmaus University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. The Higher Learning Commission is one of six regional accreditors in the U.S. The Higher Learning Commission accredits colleges and universities in a 19-state region including the State of Iowa. Regional accreditation is the most universally-recognized form of accreditation in the U.S.

Association for Biblical Higher Education
Emmaus University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), formerly the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges (AABC). ABHE is a member of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as the accrediting agency for biblical higher education.