Emmaus University Global courses follow either an 8- or 15-week format. Each week of the course contains several required assignments that students must complete in order to proceed to the next week. These assignments may vary in type, but have a variety of academic and practical uses.
Similar to a traditional campus setting, online learning is designed to help you learn and grow through the community that surrounds you. While this may not be a dormitory and dining halls for an online student, there are great opportunities to invest in time with family, neighborhoods, churches, ministries, and more. The interactions between students and professors in the online community constitutes a significant portion of the time spent in online learning and is designed with these same goals in mind. Students are encouraged to make the most of their environment in order to optimize learning outcomes.
Course material is delivered on an online learning platform called Schoology. Emmaus University Global students can access Schoology at emmaus.schoology.com or at the Learning Commons link on Navigator: navigator.emmaus.edu.
The college utilizes the Carnegie Unit as the basis for the credit hour, with 50 minutes of instruction with transitional and/or break time equating to one hour. Credit hours are assigned based on the specific learning objectives and expected outcomes of each course. Generally, one unit of credit represents a total of three hours per week of in-class and out-of-class work. The specific amount of time spent on coursework by each student will vary based on levels of interaction and reading and processing skills.
For Global Campus courses, a unit of academic credit is the measure of the total time commitment an average student is expected to devote to learning per week of study. The specific amount of time spent on coursework by each student will vary based on levels of interaction and reading and processing skills; however, it is typical for students in an 8-week, 3-credit, online course to spend 15-18 hours per week on coursework. Some of this time will be in the online (academic engagement); the rest will be independent preparation. Online classes are designed with an average of 4-6 hours of academic engagement and 11-12 hours of preparation time each week for 8-week courses and 3 hours of academic engagement and 6 hours of preparation time each week for 15-week courses.
Since there are no live lecture components to our online courses, there is no need for students to be online at any specific time or day of the week. Assignments are due at various points throughout the week, and students may complete assignments at any point before the due date.
While none of our courses are exactly alike, all of our courses contain similar elements. Students will be assigned reading from either an assigned textbook or from articles posted to Schoology. The assigned reading forms the basis for quizzes, tests, discussion boards, and other assignments.
A major component of most Global Campus classes are the discussion forum posts. These forums are designed to replicate the classroom experience of conversation between students and instructors. There several types of discussion forum posts, each of which are due at different points throughout the week. Students are required to reflect on a certain passage from the reading or answer a discussion type question in their main posts. These main posts then serve as the platform of discussion for response posts, wherein students and instructors will respond to the main post and have constructive dialogue.
Throughout the course, quizzes, tests, or other sorts of examinations may be utilized in assessment. Projects and papers may also be assigned. Since there are no live lecture components to our online courses, there is no need for students to be online at any specific time or day of the week. Assignments are due at various points throughout the week, and students may complete assignments at any point before the due date.
Since Global Campus courses are offered through the internet, a reliable broadband connection is essential to completion of the course. This need not be a privately-owned connection, but rather one that each student is able to access when necessary. If no private connection is owned, students may use a library, internet café, or other establishment that offers internet access to complete and submit coursework.
Since our online classes involve a significant amount of participation on the part of the student, this makes the concept of auditing an online course very difficult. As such, it is not currently possible to audit a Global Campus course.
Textbook information is posted on the Global Campus website here. Students are responsible for purchasing textbooks in print or e-book formats prior to the class start date.
Descriptions of individual courses can be found in the Global Campus Academic Catalog. Sample syllabi may be obtained by special request. Contact the Global Campus Student Services Advocate for more information.
For current costs of Emmaus Global Campus courses, please review tuition information on the Global Campus costs page.
Payment Due Date: Payment for tuition and fees is due no later than the first day of class. Any account adjustments during the term (e.g., less financial aid) that increases financial responsibility must be immediately addressed by the student.
Payment by check with the student I.D. number noted on the check can be sent via U.S. Mail to:
Student Accounts at Emmaus Bible College
2570 Asbury Road
Dubuque, IA 52001
You can also pay online via Populi at ebc.populiweb.com. You can email Student Accounts at studentaccounts@emmaus.edu with any questions you might have.