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What is a Micro-Credential?

A micro-credential is a short program of study, usually 3 to 4 courses that are focused on developing understanding and skills in a chosen field. Completing a micro-credential will earn you a digital badge and college credit that will go on your transcript.
Our micro-credentials are undergraduate-level.


A micro-credential is designed to help learners develop a specific skill,  therefore you only take relevant courses of your chosen topic. This focus allows you to concentrate on developing particular skills and knowledge that contribute to your educational goals and personal growth. If you choose to do so, you can apply your micro-credential(s) towards a certificate or full degree in the future.


Tuition for a micro-credential is $300 per credit hour ($900 per course) plus the cost of books required for each course. Approximate cost of materials per course is $100.


Completing a micro-credential will earn you a digital badge upon completion of required coursework to highlight the skills and knowledge gained. This digital badge can be added to your resume or social media platforms.


A micro-credential is designed to help learners develop a specific skill,  therefore you only take relevant courses of your chosen topic. This focus allows you to concentrate on developing particular skills and knowledge that contribute to your educational goals and personal growth. If you choose to do so, you can apply your micro-credential(s) towards a certificate or full degree in the future.


Tuition for a micro-credential is $300 per credit hour ($900 per course) plus the cost of books required for each course. Approximate cost of materials per course is $100.


Completing a micro-credential will earn you a digital badge upon completion of required coursework to highlight the skills and knowledge gained. This digital badge can be added to your resume or social media platforms.


Biblical Foundations

New Testament Studies

Theological Studies


Cross-Cultural Mission

Biblical Foundations
New Testament Studies
Theological Studies
Cross-Cultural Mission

Biblical Foundations Micro-Credential

The Biblical Foundations micro-credential is designed to give learners an understanding of the complete narrative of scripture by providing an overview of the major doctrines and a survey of all 66 books of the Bible. Students who pursue this micro-credential will read the whole Bible by the end of their studies.

‍Course List (12 Credits)

  • Survey of Doctrine (15 weeks)
  • Old Testament Survey 1 (15 weeks)
  • Old Testament Survey 2 (15 weeks)
  • New Testament Survey (15 weeks)

New Testament Studies Micro-Credential

The New Testament Studies micro-credential is designed to give learners a survey of the New Testament books as well as a detailed study of Christ's chronological and geographical ministry. Students also have an opportunity to choose a New Testament book study to complete this micro-credential.

‍Course List (9 Credits)

  • New Testament Survey (15 weeks)
  • Life of Christ (8 weeks)
  • Romans or 1st Corinthians* (8 weeks)

Theological Studies Micro-Credential

The Theological Studies micro-credential is designed for learners who desire to deeply examine the major areas of Christian theology. Students will also explore the historical development of these major doctrines.
Prerequisite: Survey of Doctrine

Course List (12 Credits)

  • Survey of Doctrine* (15 weeks)
  • Church and Final Things (8 weeks)
  • God, Creation, and Sin (8 weeks)
  • Christ, Holy Spirit, and Salvation (8 weeks)

*Survey of Doctrine is a prerequisite for the other courses. Applicants who have had a college-level doctrinal survey class may request a waiver of BT 151 Survey of Doctrine for the Micro-Credential.


Cross-Cultural Mission

The Cross-Cultural Mission micro-credential is designed to give learners an understanding of the nature and challenges of engaging with people across cultural divides in the sharing of the gospel. The credential adds knowledge of religions, cross-cultural communication, and anthropology to the biblical categories of evangelism and missions.

Course List (12 Credits)

  • Missions and Evangelism
  • Cultural Anthropology
  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Biblical Foundation of Mission*
  • History of Missions*
  • World Religions*

*Open elective options - must choose one



The Counseling micro-credential is designed to impart to the learners foundational level knowledge, understanding, and skills in the area of counseling. The content is presented from a biblical mindset and perspective.

Course List (12 Credits)

  • PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology*
  • PSY 211 Developmental Psychology
  • COU 121 Counseling Foundations
  • COU 311 Methods & Techniques of Counseling (Prerequisite: Counseling Foundations)
    OR PSY 311 Abnormal Psychology (Prerequisite: PSY 211 Developmental Psychology)

*PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology is a prerequisite for the other courses. Applicants who have had a college-level
Introduction to Psychology class may request a waiver of PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology for the Micro-Credential